The current situation in the world isn’t great, and that’s made harder when it means you can’t see or spend time with people you want to. Pretty much everyone is in that situation in one way or the other at the moment, everyone is missing someone, but that doesn’t mean we have to be completely disconnected from those that we love and care about. I want to use this post to discuss some of the ways I’m trying to deal with it, and maybe it can help others to do the same.
So, let’s start off with one of the obvious ones. Keeping in touch with the people you care about is one of the most important things you can do. Technology has made this so much easier for us to stay connected to our loved ones, so we have to use this to our advantage. Instant messaging and texting are always going to be most people’s first port of call, and for good reason, because they are both amazing ways of keeping that contact going, and keeping up with the people you care about.
One of the best things that I use is video calling, in whatever form that may come. Whether that is Facebook, Skype, Zoom, or any other platform you choose to use, talking to someone face to face is still possible thanks to this technology, and that is something we should take full advantage of. It’s been my way of talking to my girlfriend, and my closest friends, and it has helped me more than anything.
Another use for this tech is something that my family and I have tried with family friends that I would really like to put in use with my friends too. Multiple feed video links to spend time with a group of people all at once. Seeing lots of people at once took the feeling of a video call and multiplied it, and that was an amazing feeling.
The other thing that has really helped me has been planning what I want to do with those close to me once all this is over. I turned 24 in the lockdown, and whilst having a birthday in the lockdown wasn’t the best, coming up with a plan for how I’m going to celebrate it when the lockdown ends. Planning it and having something to look forward to makes all of this feel a little bit easier.
So although this isn’t a good situation, we can make the most of what we have access to, and we can still find the silver lining.
So if there’s someone you miss, take that step and reach out to them, because it’s likely they’re feeling the same way.
Stay safe, stay in touch, and stay positive. And for another day this is Conor, signing off