Today I thought I’d give a bit of an idea about how I’m going to be writing and posting on here. The main point I want to make is I might not manage a post a day all the time, though I will do my best to keep to that. I’m going to goa bit more in depth in a minute but that is the point I want to get across from the start.

So, I want to talk a bit about my writing and ideas process. Basically what I want to do is let this be a natural process, I’m never going to force an idea so that I have something to post, I’ll only write posts about what comes to me naturally. Now this may mean that there are days where I don’t have anything to write, but the other side of that coin is that there will be days where I have lots of ideas and will then write multiple posts in one day. My hope is that by doing this I will have enough to keep to posting once a day, but I don’t want to promise that I’ll keep to this, because there may be times where I can’t do that. So I will do my best to keep to the schedule, but as I said, I am not going to force a post just to keep up with one a day!

This then ties in to my posting process, because whenever I have more than one post backed up, I will try to only post once a day so that I have posts to fall back on when I have a dry writing spell.

So I’ll try to keep up with one a day, but if I don’t post, don’t worry!

Keep on keeping on, and for today, this is Conor, signing off