Recently, I’ve found myself going back to something I used to love and rediscovering my love for it. When I was younger, I was an extremely prolific reader, I’d get lost in books and get through them like nobody’s business. I lost sight of this for a while, but now I think I’ve finally reignited this.

I don’t really know what happened, but for a few years I really struggled to just sit down and read, because my attention sod be caught by other things going on around me. I also used to read a lot before going to sleep, whereas now my brain just isn’t functioning at full capacity during that time. So I tried something new, I have started reading during the day. Just a little bit to start with, but now I am at a point where getting lost in a book is the reason this post comes to you so late today. I have been sitting reading for an hour or two now, I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve been reading for to be quite honest, but in a way I am glad of that, because it has been a long time since I’ve gotten lost in a story, and I am so pleased I’ve found it again!

So in a way this post is hopefully here to inspire you to give something you used to love another chance, maybe do it in a different way if you can, and see if you can reignite a passion you may have thought you’d lost, like I have.

That’s all for today, so for now, this is Conor, signing off